
at Soloplan

What is going on at each branch office?

Which new features will be released with the next update of CarLo, our TMS? Find out here!


at Soloplan

What is going on at each branch office?

Which new features will be released with the next update of CarLo, our TMS? Find out here!

    Step 1

    Book your presentation appointment now

    Step 2

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    Information about the company

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    Thank you for your enquiry!

    Your personal contact person will get in touch with you within 3 working days.

    We look forward to introducing you to our TMS CarLo in a personal presentation - if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

    Soloplan Kempten

    swiss matterhorn summit
    True to the motto “Escape the planning jungle with Soloplan”, you will have the possibility to discover our logistics software LIVE in Zurich and get advice on your individual situation. Our experts will present the latest CarLo functions to you.
    swiss matterhorn summit

    Soloplan at the LOGISTICS & AUTOMATION fair in ZURICH

    True to the motto “Escape the planning jungle with Soloplan”, you will have the possibility to discover our logistics software LIVE in Zurich and get advice on your individual situation. Our experts will present the latest CarLo functions to you.
    Group picture of academy participants

    Premiere in Dresden – first Polish-language academy

    From 29 to 30 October 2024, the first Polish-language Soloplan Academy took place at our Dresden branch - an exciting milestone for us! 19 committed participants took part and created a great atmosphere with their active participation and enthusiasm.
    New hotspot in Hamburg

    New hotspot in Hamburg

    Soloplan opens new office. The family-run IT company Soloplan from Kempten in the Allgäu region will open its third branch office in Germany in Hamburg in autumn of 2024.

    Success story

    From food service to sales leader: A journey of dedication and consistency An employee recently shared an inspiring story on LinkedIn, reflecting on his journey from food service to a sales leadership position. Inspired by Denzel Washington...

    Anniversary of our long-serving employees

    Last week, we had the pleasure to congratulate five long-serving employees on their company anniversaries.With pride and joy, CEO Wolfgang Heidl addressed some words of thanks to the jubilarians as in so many years of working together, you share a lot of events and that deserves to be recognised.
    Group picture new trainees at Soloplan

    Training the experts of tomorrow–today!

    Once again this year, we are delighted to welcome five new apprentices to our company. We wish you all a successful and eventful start into the working life. We can proudly say that the entire team at our company will be available to offer advice and support to the young people throughout their apprenticeship.
    Customer report

    Into the future with CarLo

    A successful step towards digitalisation for GTI Logistik! The logistics company “GTI” is located a short distance behind the border between Germany and Poland near the city of Szczecin. For more than ten years, the medium-sized company has specialised in volume transports of any kind across almost all of Europe.
    Pictures of the onsite GoLive at Trota in Spain

    Digital breakthrough: CarLo GoLIVE at A. T. TROTA S.A. in Spain!

    The family-run, international transport company TROTA from Spain is one of the top 5 logistics companies in Catalonia and opted for CarLo® from Soloplan last year. The particularly high requirements for handling temperature-controlled transport were optimally met thanks to the excellent preparation by our project management.
    Bühne des Soloplan Sommerabends

    Festive anniversary evening with celebrity performances

    You should never miss an opportunity to celebrate. Our 30th company anniversary gave us a good reason to go really big for once. On summer solstice (21st of June), Soloplan City turned into a festively illuminated event location – ideal conditions for a memorable evening.
    Road Transport Expo Stoneleigh

    Visit us at the Road Transport Expo in Stoneleigh!

    The RTX will take place in Stoneleigh from the 4th June to 6th June 2024. At hall 1, stand R4, the experts from Soloplan will be showcasing the latest innovations in our logistics and transport management software CarLo!
    SIL Barcelona 2024

    SIL Barcelona 2024

    From the 5th June to 7th June 2024, the renowned logistics and transport trade fair Salón Internacional de la logística (SIL) will once again open its doors in the heart of Barcelona. The event attracts thousands of trade visitors and exhibitors from all over the world every year.
    Pictures form the Specialist Goup Meeting in Austria

    Specialist group conference Lower Austria 2024

    Last weekend, 400 participants and 25 exhibitors gathered at the Wieselburg trade fair centre for the Lower Austrian hauliers' specialist group conference. Despite the excellent weather in Wieselburg, the industry event was fully booked.
    Allgäuer Hochschulmesse

    Soloplan at the Allgäu University Fair 2024

    On Wednesday, 17 April 2024, the campus of Kempten University of Applied Sciences will once again be transformed into the largest Allgäu job fair for students. As a long-standing partner and sponsor of Kempten University of Applied Sciences, Soloplan will of course also be represented with a stand.

    Trade fairs
    and events

    You would like to learn more about our TMS CarLo? You need some tips for transport management? Meet us at leading trade fairs of the sector or participate in our free webinars. We are looking forward to meeting you.

    LogiMAT Stuttgart

    Stuttgart, DE
    Hall 4, Stand C02
    Language: German

    Breakbulk Europe

    Rotterdam, NL
    Language: English
    Messelogo transport logistic München

    transport logistic Munich

    Munich, DE
    Hall B1, Stand 509/610
    Language: German
    Multimodal Birmingham Messelogo

    Multimodal Birmingham

    NEC Birmingham, UK
    Stand 3050
    Language: English
    SIL Barcelona Messelogo

    SIL Barcelona

    Barcelona, ES
    Stand F612
    Language: Spanish


    The new revision-proof filing system
    Location: virtual
    Language: English

    Utilising automation potential through workflows

    From 50 manual clicks to one workflow
    Location: virtual
    Language: English

    Transport Intelligence – The planning radar

    Next level planning through AI planning radar
    Location: virtual
    Language: English