Corporate Information

The legal notice of Soloplan GmbH

Corporate Information

The legal notice of Soloplan GmbH

    Step 1

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    Step 2

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    Your contact information

    Information about the company

    All fields marked with * are mandatory fields. Your data is only used for the processing of your request.

    Thank you for your enquiry!

    Your personal contact person will get in touch with you within 3 working days.

    We look forward to introducing you to our TMS CarLo in a personal presentation - if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

    Soloplan Kempten

    Soloplan GmbH Software for logistics and planning

    Illerhöhe 1 | 87437 Kempten | Germany
    Phone +49 831 57407-0 | Fax +49 831 57407-111 | E-mail | Internet

    Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Heidl, Fabian Heidl | Commercial Registry Amtsgericht Kempten, HRB 5304 | VAT identification number DE 166174223

    Image source Soloplan GmbH/ – unless indicated differently

    We hereby expressly distance ourselves for the content of linked websites. We, Soloplan GmbH, only assume responsibility for the contents of our own website. We are only responsible for links to third-party content if we have knowledge of illegal or indictable contents and if it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent their use.
    We are, furthermore, not obliged to periodically check the contents of third-party websites for illegal or indictable contents. Once we learn that a third-party website hosts illegal content, we will delete the respective link from our website.
    Moreover, we want to stress that we have no influence whatsoever on design and content of linked websites. We consequently dissociate ourselves expressly from all contents of linked websites and any subpages.
    This declaration applies to all links placed on our homepage and all contents of pages that can be reached through links or banners. Should parts of these websites infringe current copyright or trade mark law, the respective parts will be removed as quickly as possible once we have knowledge of this fact.