

Zero-crossing is a technical warehouse logistics term that is part of inventory management. The term is used when goods are withdrawn and their stock is available in equal or lesser quantity.Thus, the number of articles available after withdrawal is “zero” or less; hence the designation.

In the case of zero-crossing, orders to replenish the stock are triggered. The amounts ordered to replenish the stock vary depending on the article, delivery time and delivery process. A warehouse management software is indispensable from a certain warehouse size or number of different articles on.

Planned zero-crossing (expected/desired zero-crossing)
This type of zero-crossing occurs when, with a correct posting, the stock of a good matches the required withdrawal amount exactly. That means that the inventory was correct, the withdrawal requirement could be met and no goods are available after withdrawal.

Unplanned zero-crossing (unexpected/undesired zero-crossing)
With this type of zero-crossing, there are usually errors in the inventory due to incorrect postings as, in this case, the desired withdrawal amount cannot be covered by the actual stock of the article. Thus, the order cannot be executed. Consequentially, the stock amount needs to be corrected and adjusted to match the actual stock.

Zero net inventory
Planned or unplanned zero-crossing can be a reason for an interim inventory in order to uncover any other problems in the supply chain. This zero net inventory can shed light on additional stock problems and help adjust the stock early on. This also reduces the effort required for the normal inventory, since shortages in the stock no longer come as a surprise.

CarLo inSTORE by Soloplan is a warehouse management software for the central management of all stock placements, transfers and removals. The software can only be used in combination with the transport management system CarLo, into which it is ideally integrated. Of course, the use of hardware scanners for the electronic exchange of data is possible in CarLo inSTORE.

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