The term direct transport (direct delivery/uninterrupted transport) refers to the transport of goods between two points without transshipment. Thus, it describes a pick-up from the sender and delivery to the receiver via the shortest route, without using logistical distribution centres, storage areas or different means of transport. Examples of this are courier trips, on-board couriers, company transports between two locations or general cargo transport in sufficient quantities to fully utilise a means of transport.
As a rule, direct deliveries by truck take place overland, as they are time-critical transports or extremely individualised transports. They are also usually handled as full loads, as the lack of co-loads means that partial loads in this kind of transport entail higher costs.
The opposite of uninterrupted transport is multimodal transport (interrupted transport) with several means of transport.
Apart from direct deliveries, the transport management system CarLo can integrate any form of multimodal transport processes, regardless of which and how many means of transport are used.