
Packing Drum

In logistics, a packing drum is a so-called “manageable unit”. It is a grouping of materials, raw materials or objects. For a packing drum, it does not matter whether the goods are the same or different. The term refers to the binding/tying together of several parts to form a unit. It helps to deliver goods to the receiver safely, quickly and undamaged. It ensures easy handling, as well as easier transport and stock placement/removal. This method of transport not only reduces the space required, but also the costs per transported unit. Packing drums are usually loaded on pallets and fixed by means of foil, straps or tension belts.

Depending on the industry, different definitions are used. In logistics and transport, the term can have the following meanings:

  • Filled packaging (= combination of goods and packaging)
  • Package (collo)
  • Empty packaging, if it consists of one piece (= empty packing drum)


What is essential is that it is a packed unit, whether empty or full. A package drum can be, for example, a carton, an empty sack, a container, a beverage crate, a barrel or a pallet wrapped in foil.

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