

A tender is a written and usually public request to place transport and logistics orders. Thanks to the outsourcing of entire deliveries or individual services, costs can be lowered and new orders can be accepted in spite of order peaks. When assigning orders, the data and the service description are important in the first step–as well as the observance of legal aspects.

For the complex tenders in transport and warehouse logistics, electronic platforms–also called freight exchanges or vehicle exchanges–are a support. Here, depending on the service volume, the communication with logistics partners, the transfer of freight documents and the status tracking of target and actual data in real time can be carried out as well.



Our company portal CarLo exCHANGE fulfils all these functions. It is a Web-based company portal in which transport orders can be assigned to external service providers. This is possible both as an open tender and as a direct award to a certain forwarding company.

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