CarLo Expert Statistics

13.08.2024 – 14.08.2024 2 days Johannesburg, ZA English

In consultation with the seminar participants, topics from the following focal areas will be dealt with:

  • Configuration parameters
  • Rights and roles
  • Structure of the CarLo database as basis for statistics
  • Statistics scripts and their characteristics
  • What is a layout and how is it edited?
  • What visualisation options are there?
  • What basic options do the various visualisations offer?
  • When do I use which visualisation?
  • Printing and exports
  • Use/display as independent Cockpit
  • Use/display in the areas “Master Data”, “Order Management” and “Transport Planning”
  • Automatic Cockpit export/dispatch
  • Practical examples from everyday logistics
  • Creation of Cockpits based on individual requirements: export of ready-to-use Cockpit configurations for direct operational use

Skills in the following fields are recommended for any participants in the class:

  • Basic knowledge of CarLo
  • Advanced knowledge of statistics in CarLo
  • Practical experience in statistics in your company
  • Successful attendance of the CarLo Standard academy

Seminar fee/person:
900,- €

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