Unitrans expands the use of the logistics software CarLo in Africa

Since March of 2020, the South African company Unitrans has been successfully using the transport management system CarLo. After the first go-live in Namibia, the premium software CarLo has been implemented at the branches in Lesotho, Botswana, Eswatini and South Africa. Now, Unitrans goes live wit...

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Soloplan starts vaccinations for employees

Large turnout at the vaccination campaign in "Soloplan City"–more than 50 employees vaccinated against COVID-19 This Friday, employee vaccinations by the company doctor, Dr Bauer, are starting at Soloplan for more than 50 employees. With the vaccination offer, Soloplan can relieve regional vac...

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Electric trucks are changing the requirements for logistics software

Soloplan is preparing for the use of electric trucks in the transport sector and are correspondingly developing their transport management system CarLo in cooperation with the University of Kempten (Kempten, 7 July 2021) As part of the successful cooperation with the University of Kempten, Solop...

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The new CarLo REPORT is available!

... with many interesting topics about our software company, the TMS CarLo and the digitalisation in the logistics sector. Just in time for midsummer in Germany, the red-hot summer edition of our popular customer magazine was published. Exciting topics from the world of logistics and about Solop...

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