Successful use of CarLo at Kuehne+Nagel

Kuehne+Nagel aims at a leading position in European FTL/LTL market and started to use the logistics software CarLo. The challenges facing Kuehne+Nagel:Since the beginning of 2020, Kuehne+Nagel have been using CarLo–both the transport management system CarLo and the add-on CarLo inMOTION for th...

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GO DIGITAL webinar: CarLo exCHANGE & CarLo inTOUCH in combination

You would like to plan your tours both with vehicles of your own as well as with subcontractors? In any case, you want a consistent transfer of tour data, status messages and document management? Then, you should definitely take part in the GO DIGITAL webinar "CarLo exCHANGE & CarLo inTOUCH ...

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Interview with Patrick: Product manager by conviction

"At Soloplan, I grow every day!" Patrick, Employee in the customer solution management department Hi Patrick. You have been working in the product management department at Soloplan for almost 9 years. Do you have a fixed routine at the beginning of your working days? I start my working...

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TEAMWORK – a priority at Soloplan!

Team events regularly take place at all Soloplan locations. Just recently, employees at our successful Soloplan branch office in South Africa (Pretoria) had a reason to celebrate. To celebrate her birthday, our regional director in South Africa invited the entire team for lunch. The employees from ...

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Soloplan celebrates the opening of the new Soloplan City Resort

After a year and a half of construction and the tireless efforts of numerous workers and associates, the time had finally come: On the first weekend in September, the grand opening of the 4-star business hotel Soloplan City Resort took place at the Berliner Platz in Kempten.  On the opening we...

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Unitrans Logistics SRL impressed by logistics software CarLo

Soloplan’s logistics software replaces Excel spreadsheets at the medium-sized Romanian company and saves a tremendous amount of time as a result. Since 2003, Unitrans Logistics SRL has been a renowned transport and logistics company with headquarters in Săvădisla, Romania. Together with four...

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