Numerous visitors at Transport Evolution in Durban

On 28 and 29 September, Soloplan is an exhibitor at the Transport Evolution trade fair in Durban, South Africa.The Soloplan stand at the large logistics trade fair is very popular and the crowds are correspondingly large. Numerous visitors come to get information and advice about the transport mana...

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Soloplan worldwide: seven branch offices in five countries

Customer proximity and optimal service–those are the most important goals of Soloplan GmbH. To accomplish these goals, the approximately 250 employees in the seven branches offices work closely together across countries. Just recently, a new branch office in Murcia, Spain was opened. The comp...

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API User Conference

Great success of the “API User Conference” academy

“Great learning success”, “Amazing training”, “Competent trainers”: That is the conclusion of the participants in our “API User Conference”. In the middle of August, the people in charge of the “User Group” (a group made up of the companies Blue Water Shipping, Scan Global Logis...

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Transport Evolution Durban 2022: Paper is a thing of the past! Relaxed digitalisation with CarLo®

As was the case last year, Soloplan is an exhibitor at Transport Evolution–the business hub for leading representatives from Africa’s transport industry. The only event in Africa that unites port, rail, and road professionals.  This year, our Soloplan experts and CarLo® are on sit...

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Galliker Green Logistics

Soloplan supports Green Logistics–we are proud partners of our customer Galliker Transport AG

Sustainable conduct and the respectful treatment of mankind, the environment and nature–today, this is more important than ever. The transport company Galliker, based in Altishofen, Switzerland, has taken this to heart and founded the project “Green Logistics–beyond logistics”. Soloplan als...

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IAA Transportation Hanover 2022: Paper is a thing of the past! Relaxed digitalisation with CarLo®

Soloplan is an exhibitor at the IAA Transportation 2022 in Hanover–the leading international trade fair for mobility, transport, and logistics. In hall 25 at booth C57, the Soloplan experts are on-site for you. Experience live how easy it is to advance the digitalisation of all transport manag...

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Automation, time saving and a spirit of innovation–CarLo® in use at World of Green in the Rhine Valley

World of Green Logistics GmbH (WOG) is a medium-sized logistics provider from the Rhine Valley with four locations in the Switzerland-Austria border region. The diverse company is active in the areas of grouped loads and general cargo, partial and full loads, parcel services, rail logistics and air...

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