German Logistics Brunch – Opening of the new offices in Johannesburg

On 25th January 2024 we celebrated the opening oft he new Soloplan offices in South Africa. The South African branch of the German softwarehouse has moved in the last year from Pretoria to more spacious and more modern buildings in the Siemens business park in Midrand, Johannesburg. And what would ...

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Impressions of the new branch office in Johannesburg, South Africa

Since last year, the Soloplanners have been working in the new branch office in Johannesburg. Many of our colleagues from Kempten are currently visiting the South African site for the grand opening ceremony. They were welcomed with open arms and with an extensive programme. While the preparations f...

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Soloplan Truck

Ride with style: The Soloplan truck conquers the roads

We are very proud to announce that, thanks to the excellent cooperation with the forwarding company Spedition Wagner from Amberg (Germany), our very own Soloplan truck is travelling the roads of Germany and Europe. Into a successful future with CarLo Spedition Wagner, currently in possession ...

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Students visit Soloplan

An almost infinite number of interfaces exists in the area of logistics software. As part of a project, students of the University of Kempten under Prof. Dr Wind were tasked with developing a concept for interface optimisation in the logistics area. Three groups took on this task. It was interestin...

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Celebrating the opening of our new offices in Johannesburg

In 2023 the South African Branch Office of Soloplan has moved from Pretoria to Johannesburg. We have moved into a more modern building with additional space for our staff and bigger rooms for our popular Soloplan academies. Therefore we want to celebrate the opening of our new offices on Thu...

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Visions of the future become reality with the TMS CarLo®

In 1995, the Oakley Group settled in Pretoria, Gauteng, and since then, the company has established a good reputation in the transport sector. Over the years, they have won over a great number of regional and national top clients, to whom they have now been delivering a wide range of products on al...

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Soloplan at the AÜW New Year’s Eve Run 2023

As every year, the AÜW New Year’s Eve run took place in Kempten on the last day of the year. Among the 2,000 total participants, nine Soloplan employees also took part. With perfect running conditions, all athletes from the family-owned company were able to meet their personal goals and had a...

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