German Logistics Brunch – Opening of the new offices in Johannesburg

On 25th January 2024 we celebrated the opening oft he new Soloplan offices in South Africa. The South African branch of the German softwarehouse has moved in the last year from Pretoria to more spacious and more modern buildings in the Siemens business park in Midrand, Johannesburg. And what would a move be without a proper inauguration ceremony?  

The new offices provide more space for the Soloplan Academies, for customer training and for new team members. This will allow the prospering branch to continue to grow in the coming years.

Customers, interested parties, employees and suppliers were all invited to the event, which meant that over 80 people were able to attend. Visitors were greeted by two customer trucks and a glamorous red carpet. At the entrance, everyone had the opportunity to take a souvenir photo together in front of a photo backdrop.

The programme included a review of the history and development of the South African branch, a presentation on the logistics software CarLo® and upcoming product innovations for 2024, as well as room tours through the new offices. The agenda also included two presentations by satisfied Soloplan customers – they reported on the successful use of the CarLo® transport management system (TMS) in their companies. For the other guests, it was a valuable input to learn which goals and benefits were achieved with the logistics software in these specific case studies.

Another highlight for the numerous participants was definitely the German Logistics Brunch. Following the Bavarian tradition of our headquarters in Kempten in the Allgäu region, the South African business partners were given a taste of southern German cuisine. After a brief explanation, all participants were able to enjoy white sausages with pretzels and sweet mustard, meat loaf with potato salad and sandwiches. The original German delicacies were also very well received by the South African palate.

The programme was rounded off by an “Oompah Band”, who performed Bavarian folk songs in lederhosen. The “Frühschoppen” atmosphere was perfect.

To summarise, we have a very successful event behind us, which will certainly be remembered by all guests and team members for a long time. The interesting presentations, the pleasant atmosphere and the stimulating networking created a spirit of German-South African friendship that could be felt by everyone throughout the day.

Pictures of the event