Live Update Prevents Double Processing in Planning

Double processing and transmission errors are not uncommon problems in Planning – the new live update in CarLo provides the necessary overview.

“Reliability and flexibility are the requirements for modern logistics. Innovative technologies such as the live update play an important role in optimising existing processes and avoiding the double processing of transport orders by using CarLo,” Wolfgang Heidl, CEO at Soloplan GmbH.

Through the live update of the tour, changes made by users are automatically recognised and constantly synchronised with CarLo. Thus, manual updates are no longer necessary. Additionally, you can directly see which user is currently working on a tour and which tour data is being edited. The dispatcher can find an overview of all current activities in a simple table overview. In that table, the staff data is saved and configured individually. You can create a simplified view using individual specifications such as dividing users into groups, marking with colours and specifying staff identification numbers or image data.

This function is available free of charge for all users as of version 2.71.